31 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi

Reflection Task 2a

In this reflection I want to talk about technology and how the technological devices are deviated from their aims. First of all, technology is the thing that provides humans to rule the world. We were just conscious animals if we think about thousands years ago. With our intelligence, we invented new tools to make life easier for us but as time passed we started to create tools even we don't need in our lives. Developing technology now aiming to entertain people rather than responding needs. These days, there are many tools in our houses that we wouldn't feel its deficiency if it was never invented. I think, when some of them first appeared, they were not that redundant devices. For example, at first TV was very effective to announce the news and informing people but then its streams have become based upon many things which aim to catch the attention of the audience. By this way it has become a commercial tool.  When it first appeared, it might have been seen like a revolutionary device but these days it's just a worthless ad box. We may add mobile phones in this category as well. They were just tools which are aimed to make the communication easier between people but now it has become a commercial device as well. It has many features which we don't need and everyone pays to buy them even they don't need to. Consequently, I think most of the technological devices have been filled with unnecessary features and presented to the customers like an essential tool.

Reflection Task 3

At first, actually I had no idea who to select as the person of the year. Then I searched it on internet and saw Ebola fighters had been selected as the person of the year by TIME. I watched their videos about them and it really affected me because these people have no reason to be there, they just want to prevent vurnerable people from dying. Before the epidemic some of these people were working in these places as teachers or doctors but after the epidemic started most of these brave people selected risking their lives and saving the people there instead of simply leaving the place. There are also people at least as brave as these ones who are going epidemic regions with leaving their own homes. They are doing theirs best to help the people leaving there but as the population is too much, they can only save a small part of them. Even this makes them very happy as far as I could observe from the video. The people leaving in these regions in very bad situations. I learned while watching the video that Liberia, although its an epidemic region, has only ten ambulances for total 4 million citizens. This simply shows how helpless the people living there. Thanks to Ebola fighters at least they have a hope to be cured and that's why I think they should be the person, actually people of the year.

For the video: http://time.com/time-person-of-the-year-ebola-fighters/

30 Ocak 2015 Cuma

Comments on Reflections

Seda Nur Kurt: http://fleseda.blogspot.com.tr/2015/01/rewrite-reflection-task-2a.html#comment-form

Ufku Aylin Kılıç: http://ufkuaylin.blogspot.com.tr/2015/01/rewrite-reflection-task-2b-breaking-bad.html

Yasin Kozak: http://yasin4596.blogspot.com.tr/2014/12/reflection-task-1b_23.html

Evrim Önder: http://evothefreeelf.blogspot.com.tr/2015/01/reflection-task-1b.html?showComment=1422706348385#c1888388187592056428

Esra Sarı: http://anythingaboutanythig.blogspot.com.tr/2015/01/reflection-task-1_20.html?showComment=1422716681592#c1370580828803500625

Textual Analysis

MH370: Malaysia formally declares missing plane crash 'an accident'

Malaysia's government has released a statement formally declaring the crash of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 an accident, and its passengers "presumed dead", clearing the way for families to seek compensation payments. (to refer to events connected to the present, without a definite past time)
Ten months after the Beijing-bound flight disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur in what remains one of history's great aviation mysteries.(to refer to events connected to the present, without a definite past time) The statement will also pave the way for Malaysia Airlines to make insurance claims. (to express precise detail)

"It is therefore, with the heaviest heart and deepest sorrow that, on behalf of the government of Malaysia, we officially declare Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 an accident...and that all 239 of the passengers and crew on board MH370 are presumed to have lost their lives," civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said in a televised announcement. (to express change or developments/ processes)

The Boeing 777 aircraft disappeared on March 8 last year, carrying 239 passengers and crew shortly after taking off from the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur, bound for Beijing. (to express precise detail) Despite an ongoing Australian-led search of the supposed crash region - the most expensive search and rescue operation in history - no trace of the plane has yet been found. (to express temporary actions)

"This declaration is by no means the end," said Mr Azharuddin, adding that it will continue with the search for the missing plane with assistance from China and Australia. (For decisions about the future)


In this article, the writer informs us about the latest developments about the missed plane. That's why it has informative and descriptive tones. As it is about an event that took place months ago, simple past tense is the dominant tense. As to writer, I think he handled the topic very well and gave the important points of the event in an objective way.

3 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi

I am Yılmaz, King of Ducks

I used to feed the ducks around the lake with stale bread.

I would be happy when they compete with each other to grab the
bread I threw.

Now in the morning I look this lake from my house and see there are others feeding them.

I used to feel very strong as all those animals were only dependant to me

I used to call myself “I am Yılmaz, King of Ducks”

Listen as the crowd would sing “quack, quack, quack”

Now there are two kids feeding the ducks and trying to destroy my realm.

One minute I bought all the bread from a shop

Next threw all of the bread over the children and said “I am Yılmaz, King of Ducks”

Discovered that I was their true king as all of the ducks were attacking to these children and proudly repeated again:

“I am Yılmaz, King of Ducks”.

Anger Management

A- Dave: He has some problems which come from his childhood. He gets angry easily in any situation.

     Dave's Girlfriend: She cares about Dave and in that way tries to help him about his anger management problem.

    Dr. Rydell: He's a professional psychiatrist. He's really good at his work. He does many things to help Dave to beat his problem.

B- In the plane Dave wants to sit his place but since another man sits on his place and doesn't want to stand, he's obliged to find another seat. A man invites Dave to sit next to him. Dave goes there and thanks him. After a short time, this man starts to laugh aloud while Dave is trying to sleep. Dave gets uncomfortable and asks a hostess for a headphone kindly. The hostess doesn't bring that headphone although Dave asks her kindly many times. As he goes on asking, a black police comes and ask him what's wrong. Dave tells him the situation but he misunderstands Dave and calls him racist. Dave gets angry since everyone around him continously acts against him. At last he yells and he and hostess end up in a court.

C- In my opinion he's not guilty because not he but all the people around him acts strangely. These people don't do the things Dave says and on the contrary misunderstand him repeatedly. All the same, dave could be more patient and treat them more calmly.

Editing Activity On Parallelism

1. What great and healthy shape she is in!

2. The doctor wanted to find out why Linda was underweight and what her blood sugar level is.

3. Following a regular program of exercise is more beneficial for me than being on a fad diet.

4. What I like best about my fitness center are the modern Lifecyle machines

5. Not only is Jim healthy, but he's also athletic.

6. Due to his son's persistence and his willing to lose 10 pounds, Frank decided to join a fitness center.

7. When Richard realized that his eating habits were the cause of his illness, he began to plan his meals in a more conscientious and careful way.

8. Julian decided to try a homeopathic treatment as well as changing his diet.

9. Shari really enjoys ocean kayaking and going hiking in the desert.

10. This is a combination of vitamins that build up the immune system and prevent infection from spreading.